Science, asked by turkirozy, 1 year ago

7.3 Discuss the
Discuss the general characteristics of Croup 15 elements with reference to
their electronic contiguration, oxidation state, atomte size, ionisation enthalpy
and electronegativity,
Why does the reactivity of nitrogen auffer from phosphorus?
Discuss the trends in chemical reactivity of group 15 elements,
Why does NHL, form hydrogen bond but Pn, does not?
How is nitrogen prepared in the laboratory? Write the chemical equations
of the reactions involved.
How is ammonia manufactured industrially?
9. Illustrate how copper metal can give different products on reaction with HINOS
7. Give the resonating structures of NO, and N.O.
79 The HNH angle value is higher than HPH, HASH and HSbH angles. Why?
Hint: Can be explained on the basis of sp' hybridisation in NH, and only
s-p bonding between hydrogen and other elements of the group).
7.10 Why does RP - O exist but RN- O does not (R = alkyl group)?
7.11 Explain why NH, is basic while BIH, is only feebly basie.
7.12 Nitrogen exists as diatomie molecule and phosphorus as P. Why?
7.13 Write main differences between the properties of white phosphorus and red
7.14 Why does nitrogen show catenation properties less than phosphorus?
7.15 Give the disproportionation reaction of H.PO..
7.16 Can PCI, act as an oxidising as well as a reducing agent? Justify.
ntifit the placement of O, S, Se, Te and Po in the same group of the
nic configuration, oxidation state and hydride


Answered by ravikumar314078


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