Environmental Sciences, asked by rrajwinder599, 6 months ago

8. Can a plant survive without roots?
9. What does a seed need to grow and become a plant?
10. What are three signs of a living tree?
What are siens of a dead tree?


Answered by Shreyansh02092006


Can a plant survive without roots?

no plants need water, nutrients and a sturdy solid to stay alive

What does a seed need to grow and become a plant?

water ,sun and itself

What are three signs of a living tree?

it should be growing regularly unless fully grown

leaf or petals should be green in color and the stem sturdy and stong and thick

What are signs of a dead tree?

it should be not  growing regularly

leaf or petals should be black or brown  in color and the stem should be weak and it should be bending and have no strong supports on it


pls like :)

Answered by pranjalpateliya121


Explanation:8.This is why they grow down, because the water and minerals needed for growth are below the ground in the soil. They also provide support and help anchor a plant to the ground. Without a strong root system, trees would not be able to stand tall and withstand high winds. Roots can also store food and nutrients

Explanation:8.This is why they grow down, because the water and minerals needed for growth are below the ground in the soil. They also provide support and help anchor a plant to the ground. Without a strong root system, trees would not be able to stand tall and withstand high winds. Roots can also store food and nutrients9.Seeds need the proper temperature, moisture, air, and light conditions to germinate. All seeds have optimal temperature ranges for germination (Table 1). ... The soil or growing media must contain enough moisture so that the seed can take up water to begin the germination process

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