7. Answer the following question in detail.
Explain with examples how the united
strength of women can bring about
constructive changes in various fields.[in shot]
The united strength of women can bring about constructive changes in various sections of the society for example:
1. Laatne Morcha (1972)
Women under the leadership of Socialist leader Mrinal Gore came out on the streets of Mumbai to demonstrate against the Mrinal Gore, brunt of scarcity of essential supplies and the subsequent rise in their prices.
2. The Chipko Movement (1973)
Women took an active part in the Chipko Movement by holding hands and encircling each tree to prevent their chopping for commercial purposes.
3. Anti Liquor Movement (1992)
The Women in Andhra Pradesh came together to protest against rampant alcoholism and were supported by the Sate govt.
These moments saw great success and underlined how united strength of women can bring about a positive change in the society.