7. Define the following terms:
1. saturated solution 2. Balanced Diet 3. spinning 4. Expansion 5. Food 6. Solution
1) A solution which can not dissolve further amount of solute at a particular temperature is called saturated solution. For example, when you keep adding sugar to the water, a time will reach when no more sugar will dissolve in the water and sugar will settle down at the bottom
2) Nutrition is vital for your body and all of its systems to function properly, by having good nutrition it will help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce body fat, provide your body with energy, promote good sleep and generally make you feel better.
3)the action or process of spinning; the conversion of fibres into yarn.
4)the action of becoming larger or more extensive.
5)any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.
6)a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.