7 Describe any three features of waterways in India.
8- Describe any five major problems faced by road transport in India.
9- Why is road transport more useful than rail transport in India ? Explain four reasons.
Roadways still have an edge over railways in India ? Support the statement with arguments.
10- How has the distribution patter of the railway network in the country been largely influenced by physiographic
economic factors ? Explain with examples.
Explanation:Nov 20, 2018 · 1 Answer. Features of waterways in India are: (i) India has been one of the seafaring countries. (ii) Sea men sailed far and near; carrying and spreading Indian commerce and culture. (iii) Waterways are the cheapest means of transport. (iv) They are most suitable for carrying heavy and bulky goods over long distance.
Q10 answer The northern plains have dense network of railways due to extensive level land, agriculturally and industrially productive region and support high density of population which is favourable for the development of railways. However, the presence of large number of rivers requires the construction of bridges across the rivers which poses some difficulties.
In the hilly regions of the north and the peninsular plateau regions, railways are constructed through narrow gaps, or tunnels.
The Himalayas region has less network of railways due to rugged terrain, sparse population and lack of economic opportunities.
In the sandy plains of western Rajasthan, swampy regions of Gujarat, thickly forested regions of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand, construction of railways is difficult and expensive.
Recently, the development of Konkan railway along the western coast has contributed to the movement of goods and passengers through the passes and gaps along the Western Ghats to link the most economic region of India.