Biology, asked by SwagatalaxmiGoswami, 7 months ago

7. Differentiate between the following pairs of terms:
(a) Bowman's capsule and malpighian capsule.
(b) Renal cortex and renal medulla.
(c) Renal pelvis and renal papilla.
(d) Urea and urine.
(e) Excretion and secretion​
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Answered by satwik4649


urea and urine........

Answered by madhulathahoney2026


7.(a)Bowman's capsule:

  • It is the double walled rounded dilation that ensheathes the urinary tubule and the glomerulus, which has an inner (visceral) layer, formally the capsular epithelium, and an outer (parietal) layer, formally, the glomerular epithelium.
  • Bowman’s capsule is a double-walled cup-shaped structure and forms the expanded blind end of the nephron.
  • Bowman’s capsule collects the water and other diffusible solutes filtered from glomerulus and pass the glomerular filter into proximal convoluted tubule.

Malpighian capsule:

  • It is the thin fibrous membrane enveloping the spleen and continued over the vessels entering at the hilus.
  • The Bowman’s capsule and the glomerulus collectively form the Malpighian capsule.
  • The ultrafiltration takes place in the Malpighian capsule.

(b)Renal cortex :

  • The outer region of the kidney, between the renal capsule and the renal medulla, that consists of a space that contains blood vessels that connect to the nephrons.

Renal medulla:

  • The inner-most region of the kidney, arranged into pyramid-like structures, that consists of the bulk of nephron structure.

(c) Renal pelivis:

The renal pelvis is the funnel-like dilated proximal part of the ureter in the kidney. Renal pelvis has projections called calyces.

Renal papilla:

The renal papilla is the apex of a renal pyramid which projects into the lumen of a calyx of the kidney and through which collecting tubules discharge urine.

(d) Urea:

  • Urea, also known as carbamide, is an organic compound with chemical formula CO(NH2)2. This amide has two –NH2 groups joined by a carbonyl (C=O) functional group.
  • Urea serves an important role in the metabolism of nitrogen-containing compounds by animals and is the main nitrogen-containing substance in the urine of mammals.


  • Urine is a liquid by-product of metabolism in humans and in many animals. Urine flows from the kidneys through the ureters to the urinary bladder. Urination results in urine being excreted from the body through the urethra.
  • The cellular metabolism generates many by-products which are rich in nitrogen and must be cleared from the bloodstream, such as urea, uric acid, and creatinine.


  • Excretion is a process of movement of materials from one part of the body to another.
  • Materials like enzymes, saliva and hormones are secreted in the body.
  • Endocrine glands, salivary glands, digestive glands, liver, pancreas and gallbladder are involved in the process of secretion.


  • Secretion is the process of removal of waste materials from the body.
  • Materials like carbon dioxide, sweat, tears, faeces and urine are excreted from the body.
  • Lungs, skin, tear ducts and rectum are involved in the process of secretion.

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