Social Sciences, asked by vaishali59, 6 months ago

7. Explain the role of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in removing discrimination and write tew lines
about each of them.
8. How is stereotype approach harmful for the society?


Answered by romandave425


Mhatama gandhi and dr br ambedkar play a major role in making india a discrimanation free country where all people small or big are treated equally.

gandhi himself cleabed tiolets to signify the work of bhangis.

he called them children of gods.

br ambedkar put reservation for dalits to uplift them .

Answered by EileenDelcy


7. Political empowerment of Dalits

Both Gandhi and Ambedkar believed that for India to obtain freedom, it is necessary for the downtrodden sections to join the mainstream. This involved political empowerment of Dalits and backward classes.

Ambedkar established organisations such as Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha, Scheduled Caste federation etc to empower Dalits. Gandhi was in favour of bringing Dalits in political sphere by reserving them seats in the Congress party.

Social reforms

Gandhi and Ambedkar worked towards reforming caste system by eradicating discriminatory practices. Ambedkar undertook the Mahad Satyagraha for making public places open for Dalits. Gandhi was equally active in this effort as he participated in Temple entry movement in Kerala to make temples accessible to Dalits.

Spreading ideology of social justice

Gandhi and Ambedkar not just worked towards reactionary ideas but were also ready to bring changes in thinking process of society. They tried to influence social beliefs through their magazines like Harijan by Mahatma Gandhi and Mooknayak by Ambedkar. Gandhiji even coined the term Harijan instead of backward castes in order to instill self confidence in those sections.

8.        Stereotypes have a bad reputation, and for good reasons. Decades of research have shown that stereotypes can facilitate intergroup hostility and give rise to toxic prejudices around sex, race, age and multiple other social distinctions. Stereotypes are often used to justify injustice, validate oppression, enable exploitation, rationalize violence, and shield corrupt power structures. Stereotype-based expectations and interpretations routinely derail intimate relationships, contaminate laws (and their enforcement), poison social commerce, and stymie individual achievement.

         Children notice stereotypes about race, gender, and wealth. And their awareness of these stereotypes can have a negative effect on academic performance. But research suggests we can help kids overcome the threat. Here's what every parent needs to know.

         The everyday reality of stereotype threat  Societies everywhere sort people into categories, and children are paying attention.

* Not only do they notice cues about gender, wealth, and ethnicity, they also perceive the stereotypes that go with these categories. And it starts early.

* Toddlers are quick to pick up on cultural norms about gender, and apply them to roles, activities, and toys (Halim et al 2016).

* Four-year-olds expect wealthy students to be more competent in the classroom (Shutts et al 2016)

* Elementary school children are familiar with negative racial stereotypes (Wegmann et al 2017). They also tend to believe that members of out-groups are less moral (Liberman et al 2017).

* And kids are themselves subjected to bias. As I explain elsewhere, experiments show that Black children are more likely to be misperceived as angry or threatening -- even when their facial expressions are neutral (e.g., Halberstadt et al 2020).

Hope this will help you!!

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