7.Give any two examples of marginalized groups around your neighborhood?
आपके अड़ोस-पड़ोस में रहने वाले कोई दो हाशियाकृत समूहों के नाम लिखिए ?
8.Write any two advantages to Adivasis by the Act of 1989 ?
सन 1989 के अधिनियम के द्वारा आदिवासियों को मिलने वाले कोई दो लाभ लिखिए
9.Write any one advantage and one disadvantage of the Solar energy?
सौर उर्जा का कोई एक लाभ व एक हानि लिखिए ?
10. How can we use the underground water ?
हम भूमिगत जल का उपयोग किस प्रकार कर सकते हैं ?
Question :- Give any two examples of marginalized groups around your neighborhood?
➻ In my neighborhood there are two marginalized groups one is of Dalits and another is of Valmiki.
Question :- Write any two advantages to Adivasis by the Act of 1989?
➻ The two advantages to Adivasis by the Act of 1989 are as follow :-
(i) It Protect the dignity of tribal in the forests.
(ii) It was tollaly banned for outsider to take the property of the Adivasis.
Question :- Write any one advantage and one disadvantage of the Solar energy?
➻ The advantage of solar energy is that it Reduces Electricity Bills.
➻ The disadvantage of solar energy is that it Uses a Lot of Space.
Question :-How can we use the underground water ?
➻The underground water is used for Agricultural purposes and it is also used to constructing and operating extraction wells.
आपके अड़ोस-पड़ोस में रहने वाले कोई दो हाशियाकृत समूहों के नाम लिखिए ?