English, asked by rafiyahussain04, 1 month ago

7. Give the definitions of the following terms. Also give two-two examples of each by writing sentences
a. Conjunctions
b. An imperative sentence
c. Prepositions.​


Answered by muzzamil0307



conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases,clauses or sentence e.g:but,and,yet etc

example:she bought a shirt and a book

I sent him letter but he didn't responded


preposition is a word or group of word use before a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to show direction, time ,place, location spatial relationships or to introduce an object e.g:in,at,on,of etc

example: Tonia goes to school in car

The kitten is on the table

Imperative sentence:

the sentence which is used to convey a command,a request or a forbiddance is called an imperative sentence

example: bring me a glass of water

don't ever touch my phone

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