7.How did Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels add to the idea of socialism?
Hey mate your answer is here
Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) are the creators of what they called "scientific socialism". As you are reading this document try to work out what they thought made their theories scientific, and whether you agree with them.
It seems to me that they thought their theory was scientific because of its content, because of the kind of theory it is. This is what they focus on, rather than issues such as empirical method.
One feature Marx and Engels stressed was that their theory was materialist, not religious, or idealist. Because they tried to explain history by looking at the material conditions of human existence their theory is called: historical materialism.
The religious views of history they criticised were the Jewish and Christian accounts found in the Bible. In the mid 19th century many people saw science as the opponent of religion.
The idealism they criticised was mainly Hegel's philosophy of history. Hegel argued that history is not meaningless chance, but a rational process - spirit or mind making itself real in history. Marx and Engels thought the material world determines our ideas rather than our ideas determining the material world.
To explore what this means, read the extracts from Hegel that illustrate his idealist view of history and compare them to the summary of historical materialism.
Historical materialism was not the only materialist theory developed in the 19th century. The other major one was Darwin's theory of evolution. Marx and Engels thought of their theory as complementary to evolutionary theory.
Hope it helps u
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