7. How many are:
(a) Thousands in 1780535 (b) Lakhs in 80395518
(c) Crores in 3854627
thousands, lakhs, crores, millions, billions, trillions
The number is 10 hundreds (10 100)
10 hundreds is 1000 which is equal to
Hundreds = 10
Thousands =1
Lakhs = 0.01
Crores = 0.0001
Millions = 0.001
Billions = 0.000001
Trillions = 1e-9
Tables according to the conversions.
Follow table displays data for 1 million=?. Values generated by our online million to crore conversion calculator
Conversion Formula:
1 Million = Crore / 10.
Number converter can be used to convert any amount in millions to crore. The term million is used in western countries and represents 106 or 1,00,0000. The term crore is used in Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Srilanka, etc. to represent 107 or 1,00,00,000. One million is equal to 0.1 crore, and 500 million is equal to 50 crores.
Million to Crore = Value in millions × 0.1