Computer Science, asked by Nuradilaarif, 7 months ago

7. In which situations can JAD methodology be successful for collecting requirements?


Answered by mayapandey287


Joint Application Design/JAD:

The fore mentioned techniques have been examples of traditional requirement gathering, whereas JAD is an example of a more contemporary method for gathering requirements. Joint Application Development (JAD) was introduced in the late 1970s so solve some of the problems users experienced in the conventional methods used to gather requirements. Organizations that have adopted JAD report savings of 40% or more in project design time. JAD is successful in reducing time because the user and other key members are heavily involved in the process. The goal is to get the design right the first time, thereby reducing different iterations. JAD is usually conducted in at a location other than the place where the people involved work. This helps to reduce distractions. The participants of a JAD include: JAD session leader (also known as the facilitator), users, managers, sponsors, systems analysts, scribe, and other IS staff members. The facilitator, whom is usually trained in project management as well as system s analysis, manages the entire process. They are responsible for keeping the group on the agenda and resolving conflicts. Facilitators do not contribute ideas; they solicit the ideas of the group. They also make the rules for the sessions, and can dismiss anyone who is troublesome to the process. Users involvement helps eliminate their frustration over the systems development process. The user is involved throughout a JAD session, and can make great contributions, as they will be the ones using the new system. Managers can provide more of insight into the organizational aspects of the system. The sponsor doesn’t attend all JAD sessions, but usually just the beginning or end, as they do not contribute to ideas, they merely sponsor the process. Systems analysts are there to learn from users and managers. As in other requirements gathering techniques, they should not show bias. The scribe takes detailed notes during the session. The other IS staff members, such as programmers or database analysts attend to contribute technical aspects to the proposed ideas.

Answered by tripathiakshita48

JAD methodology is most successful when used for projects that involve large, complex systems, multiple stakeholders, and complex business processes, and when time is a critical factor in the requirements gathering process.

The Joint Application Development (JAD) methodology is a collaborative approach to collecting and defining system requirements.

It involves bringing together stakeholders, users, and IT professionals in a structured workshop to identify and prioritize requirements.

JAD methodology can be successful in the following situations:

Large and complex systems: JAD methodology is useful when the system being developed is large and complex, with multiple stakeholders and diverse requirements.

In this situation, it can be challenging to collect and prioritize requirements through traditional methods such as interviews or surveys.

JAD methodology enables all stakeholders to participate in the requirements gathering process, facilitating collaboration and consensus-building.

Time-sensitive projects: JAD methodology can help accelerate the requirements gathering process, especially when time is of the essence.

By bringing all stakeholders together in a focused and structured workshop, JAD can help streamline the requirements gathering process and ensure that everyone's perspectives and needs are considered.

Stakeholder involvement: JAD methodology is ideal when stakeholders' involvement is critical for the success of the project.

By bringing stakeholders together in a collaborative environment,

JAD can ensure that all stakeholders have a voice in the requirements gathering process and that their needs and expectations are addressed.

Complex business processes: JAD methodology can be effective in collecting requirements for systems that involve complex business processes.

By bringing together subject matter experts and IT professionals, JAD can help ensure that the system requirements accurately reflect the needs of the business and its stakeholders.

Overall, JAD methodology is most successful when used for projects that involve large, complex systems, multiple stakeholders, and complex business processes, and when time is a critical factor in the requirements gathering process.

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