English, asked by pramodlahkar823, 11 months ago

7. निम्नलिखित माध्यम भाषा के किस रूप से संबंधित हैं-
(क) रेडियो पर गीत
(ख) परीक्षा देना
(ग) भाषण देना
(घ) समाचार-पत्र पढ़ना
(ङ) मित्र की बात सुनना

please tell me that whether the above questions are Moukhik aur likhit..don't tell me that is correct, that is correct..its not choosing the answer...we have to find out which ones of the above are likhit aur moukhik...

also follow me if u are a true BTS army​


Answered by samirakha

1. moukhik

2. likhit

3. moukhik

4. moukihk

5. moukhik

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