7. Name two Vakra raga and varja raga
vakra ragas are a complex lot because the vakram in the structure does not mean 100% vakra prayoga all the time for all the vakra ragas . For some it is so, for others it is "mostly vakram, or vakra prayoga is the more characteristic stamp".
Anyway, take SrirAga's avarohana particularly between pa and sa. It is p m r g r s. This simply means m g r is not allowed i.e. when descending from ma to ri, you cannot simply use m g r (which btw is manirangu's usage). You have to do m r g r. This in essence is vakra rule but there are also aesthetic and more subtle uses on top. In Sri, I believe, you can occasionally (rarely) do m r s here (IIRC varnam has it), but obviously that is dangerous territory as doing it more than rarely would be treading into madhyamavathi territory. Note also you can do n g r s etc. The rule of "g r" not allowed is only in the context of "m g r" i.e. one cannot descend from ga, when ga itself is approached from above like in ma ga ri.
In khamas s m g m means s r g m is disallowed. But here arohana is incomplete. Per the varnam s r g r is allowed. I also think m g m is allowed. So it could be that it is r g m that is disallowed. But, the vakra in this case is that s most of the time one does s m g m in khamas and that is its characteristic usage.
In gauLa, the arohana/avarohana is s r m p n s/s n p m r g m r s. Again, like Sri, m r s is allowed (here it is not uncommon at all) but m r g m r s is characteristic gaula. Even s r g m is allowed as long as you descend after that (to ri).