7. What are the views of Portia about the virtue of mercy?
Portia and Shylock are two of the most important characters in the play called "Merchant of Venice" written by the greatest writer and playwright, William Shakespeare.
In the last few acts of the play, Portia is in direct confrontation with Shylock at the court and she tries to explain about the sense of doing right for oneself as one feels. She says that the king who is merciful is indirectly showing his greatness to others. He is also showing how god a person can be and this is somewhat similar to be like the God who is merciful and great. This takes us back to the christian reference that pride and dis-honor follows one another. One needs to be just and great and merciful. He should consider what is good for others and forgive people. Hence mercy is virtuous.
Answer: According to Portia Mercy is the Divine quality . It blesses both the giver and the receiver . It is mightiest among the mightiest and more over the king of kings