Social Sciences, asked by shr78, 5 months ago

7. What were the causes of the Civil Disobedience Movement?


Answered by arvinsingh1883

The civil disobediance movement was one of the milestones of the indian freedom strugles led by MAHATMA GANDHI.This non violence movement was

started in 1930AD mainly with the ideology of disobeying laws,demands and commands of the government.

CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE movement started mainly due to the SALT SATYAGRAHA which was held by 1930 march 12th near dandi.

The british governement implemented heavy tax on production or sell of salt,they made it illegel to production or sellling of salt without

paying the heavy affected the every INDIAN because salt is the primary ingrediment in the daily diet.On 12th March MAHATMA GANDHI

started SALT SATYAGRAHA OR SALT MARCH with the main ideology of againist the BRITISH LAW on heavy tax on is a non violent protest.

MAHATMA GANDHI broke the law by pickng a small chunk of salt from th sea coast of DANDI on APRIL 4rth. It is one of the Biggest movement

which againist the british rule after the NON-COOPERATION movement held on 1920-22AD which was led by MAHATMA GANDHI.


1. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL SITUATION : The unrest social and political situation helped in launching of civil disobediance movement.

2. ANTI SIMON COMMISSION : this commission which was formed by british governement o 1927AD to formalize costitution of india which was fully

of british members, due to this indian national congress and other politicaland social organisations rejected the commission and naed it as


3. NEHRU REPORT REJECTION : In 1928AD A new constitution was prepared by the commitee which was headed by MOTITLAL NEHRU in calcutta 1928

INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS demanded british governement to accept NEHRU'S Report.The main theme of the report was to get the DOMINION STATUS

TO INDIA.and warned and blackmailed british governement,if they not accepted the report, they should be threatened and a CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE movement

should be started.This is one of the important cause for the CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE MOVEMENT

* LORD IRWIN the governer general of india declared the main objective of the constitutional reform was the to GRANT dominion status for INDIA.after the

declaration GANDHIJI and other leaders sugestesd a round table conference to solve the constitutional crisis and they also requested to release

POLITICAL Prisoners.

4. NATIONAL CONGRESS started the CIVIL DISOBEDIOANCE MOVEMENT when the bristish governement didn't respond to any of their demands POSITIVELY.


1. On 12th MARCH SALT SATYAGRAHA is the starting point of the CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE MOVEMENT it is remembered as important day of INDIAN HISTORY,after that

GANDHIJI was arrested by british governement and after on may 21st may 1930 sarojini naidu led another salt march at DHARASANA.


The 2 main important clauses of that pact were :

# CONGRESS would participate in the round table conference

# CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE movement would be stopped

# after the gandhi irwin pact GANDHI AND SAROJINI NAIDU attended the 2nd ROUNDTABLE CONFERENCE but it was unsuccesfull without any positive output.

3. Other importent clause of the gandhi irwin pact was that governement should withdraw all the orders issued to controll congress.but LORD WILLINGDON the

governer general of india violated the clause and adapted the suspression of the CONGRESS.

4. congess governement resumed the civil disobediance movement and after on JANUARY 1932 GANDHI restarted the CIVIL DISOBEDIANCE MOVEMENT.On 8th MAY 1933

gandhi protested a 21 days fast againist BRITISH GOVERNEMENT domination on INDIA .

5. On 14th july gandhi withdarawd the mass satyagraha and civil disoobediance movement was suspended,and movement was completly ended 1934.

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