English, asked by keematsinghkeemat198, 10 months ago

7. Which ingredients
are being talked
about for baking a
cake? *
a) flour, sugar and
b) icing sugar, eggs
and chocolate chips
c) chocolate flakes
and dairy products
O d) all of these
This is a required​


Answered by vishwassindhani0


ingredients used to make shortened (butter) and unshortened (foam) cakes differ. However, the goal is always to the same: to create great cake recipes through a delicate balance of its ingredients - making sure they have the strength to hold the recipe together, but still create a tender, moist and flavorful cake. Different mixing methods also result in different cakes, as do the type of pans used and their treatment, timing, temperature, baking, cooling and storage. Afterwards, cakes can be filled, frosted or glazed and decorated. Decorated cakes include wedding cakes.

A cake's structure is created mainly from the combination of the flour's starches, by the proteins in whole eggs, egg whites, and/or in milk. The melt-in-your-mouth texture comes from tiny air holes left in the cake's structure, created through mixing, serving as nuclei and enlarged through the carbon dioxide gas from the chemical leaveners, heat and /or steam during baking. The sugar and fat in the recipe, as well as any acids, tenderize the cake, as well; they interfere with gluten formation and egg protein coagulation, interrupting the network of gelated starch. But, if the recipe is unbalanced, for example, if there's too much sugar and fat, the cake's structure is weakened so much it cannot support its own weight and will collapse. Too much flour and too many eggs may make the cake tough and/or dry

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