7. Write a short Note on:- a ) (1) Loo (2) kaal Baisakhi (3) Mango Showers.
1.loo-it is a strong, dusty, gusty, hot and dry summer wind from the west which blows over the Indo-Gangetic Plain region of North India and Pakistan. It is especially strong in the months of May and June.
2.kaal-they are local thunder storms experienced in the month of Baisakh (April) in West Bengal. They cause considerable damage to life and property and are known as Kalbaisakhi or the calamity of Baishakhi, the month of April–May in India. Kalbaishakhi is accompanied by strong squalls and sometimes by hail.
3.mangi showers- Mango showers is a colloquial term to describe the occurrence of pre-monsoon rainfall. ... These rains normally occur from March to April, although their arrival is often difficult to predict. Their intensity can range from light showers to heavy and persistent thunderstorms.
Loo: A striking feature of the hot weather season is called ' loo'. These are strong, gusty, hot, dry, winds blowing during the da over North and northwestern India. Sometimes they even continue until late in the evening.