750 words Essay on The mind all logic is like a knife all blade it makes the hand bleed that uses it -Rabindranath Tagore
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A mind all logic is like a knife all blade it makes the hand bleed that uses it
A mind working on logic without humane values such as compassion, sympathy, empathy, care, respect, love, etc. is exactly like a sharp knife that will cut all those who will mishandle it. Without the above mentioned values human mind becomes evil. In place of the good values, it operates under the influence of nefarious and immoral tendencies such as greed, malice, jealousy, hatred, selfishness, etc., which always harm others and give deeper cuts than a real knife.
In the history of mankind much damage to civilization and our planet has been done by those humans who just lived under the influence of cold, apathetic, logical mind. All the wars, conflicts, conspiracies, etc. were the products of the inhumane logical mind only. The truth is mind’s logical faculty is quite limited; its range of perception is quite narrow. On the other hand, the intuitive heart’s range of perception is far bigger. Logical mind can never be connected to the Omniscience of the Creator of the universe. It is only the heart full of compassion and love that can accomplish this feat.
Wise men and women tried to teach mankind through beautiful plays, stories, novels, etc. how the insidious logic minds work and how to keep it under control; however, the mankind has learnt very slowly from them.
All great seers, prophets, messiahs, leaders, philosophers, and teachers of mankind were men of humane and divine emotions. They tamed their logic under the humane values and made the world a better place. Jesus had compassion on all the sick and needy and healed them. Lincoln had compassion for the slaves, who were human beings also, and worked for their emancipation.
In conclusion, we can say that we must not carry the sharpness of cold logic in our minds only, we should call the warmth of love and compassion in it too.
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Before you start writing pause for a while and try to find out what you are asked to write about? read well on what subject they are expecting you to write.
Have a very clear vision about your topic. ultimately you have vast stuff to cover and write, go on organising it detailing about and write your own conclusion about the findings.
Read the topic carefully.Here it is ‘ A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it?"
First, try to understand the topic in what manner it is put before you.
And that same type or manner is a hint and clue to your topic.
As the famous proverbs go you may not have danger from the sword that I have in my hand, but it is the one which is there in my mind.
It means the mind is the most powerful and beautiful thing in this world.
The body of a person is like one chariot but it is driven by our mind.
Soundness in the physical body isn't that enough and not at all any full-fledged attainment of your life.
It is dead if your mind is living alike dead. But at the same time if we adapt to any unforeseen circumstances to overcome and learn to stand up and fight
The same thing would turn as a blessing and boon for your life and others too because it is the only thing which can help you to bring a difference in others life.
We are all born genius because we have that unique capacity of thinking psychological perspective and behavioural patterns.
And think of the mind that which gets trained and adapts to every difficulty level every day. It is this sharpness that you maintain to keep in your mind like a sharp sword that even if you hold you too Shall bleed.
It is the disciplined mind that helps you to reach up at this level of being itself alike one sword. And this discipline varies from place to place and person to person. you carry it on…because I am keeping the conclusion for you all to write.
Because every mind has got very different ideologies.
Have a very clear vision about your topic. ultimately you have vast stuff to cover and write, go on organising it detailing about and write your own conclusion about the findings.
Read the topic carefully.Here it is ‘ A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it?"
First, try to understand the topic in what manner it is put before you.
And that same type or manner is a hint and clue to your topic.
As the famous proverbs go you may not have danger from the sword that I have in my hand, but it is the one which is there in my mind.
It means the mind is the most powerful and beautiful thing in this world.
The body of a person is like one chariot but it is driven by our mind.
Soundness in the physical body isn't that enough and not at all any full-fledged attainment of your life.
It is dead if your mind is living alike dead. But at the same time if we adapt to any unforeseen circumstances to overcome and learn to stand up and fight
The same thing would turn as a blessing and boon for your life and others too because it is the only thing which can help you to bring a difference in others life.
We are all born genius because we have that unique capacity of thinking psychological perspective and behavioural patterns.
And think of the mind that which gets trained and adapts to every difficulty level every day. It is this sharpness that you maintain to keep in your mind like a sharp sword that even if you hold you too Shall bleed.
It is the disciplined mind that helps you to reach up at this level of being itself alike one sword. And this discipline varies from place to place and person to person. you carry it on…because I am keeping the conclusion for you all to write.
Because every mind has got very different ideologies.
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