7663 out of 6 local numbers. what is the difference in price
Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones
7 6 6 3
Here are the values of each number:
Number x Multiplier = Value
7 x 1,000 7,000
6 x 100 600
6 x 10 60
3 x 1 3
Add up all of the values and you get 7,663.
Given : 7663
To Find : Difference in place value of 6
7663 = 7 x 10³ + 6 x 10² + 6 x 10¹ + 3 x 10⁰
= 7000 + 600 + 60 + 3
7 6 6 3
Place Value 7000 600 60 3
Face Value 7 6 6 3
Difference 6993 594 54 0
Difference between place value of 6
= 600 - 60
= 540
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