Physics, asked by saritamhatre1969, 11 months ago

7a. A conductor of lemgth 2 m,curving a current of 1o A ps kept in a magnetic tield of induction S10 Whim The coductr esperienors a force of S 103 N. What is a partiv uniform nu in a directih the angle made hy the conductor, wish the direction of the77. A field ? (n) Go (b) 90 ing on th on the a pa (a)16- 3.2 There is a along the y projected i (dy 45. 71. Astraight wire of length 2 m is kept horizontal in a uniform horizontal and is at right angles to the length of the conductor It is found that the conductor renains balanced, ifa current of49A is passed through the conductor, What 78. the mass of the wire (a) 4 gram (c) 6 gram tb) Sgram (d) 8 gram 1O s will b (a) 10 72. Along straight wire carries a current of 10A An electron vels perpendicular to the plane of thus wire at a distance 0.1 m with a velocity of 5.0 10m/s What is the force acting on the electron due to the current in wire ? (a) 22 10-1/N (c) 0.6-10N (b) 16 1017N (d) Zero 7.4 Force Condı 73. An electron is projected along the axis of a circular conductor carrying some current. Electron will experience (a) a force along the axis (b) a force perpendicular to the axis (e) a force at an angle of 45" with the axis (d) no force 79. Two para direction (a) attra (b) repe (c) dor 74. A straight wire of mass 200 g and length 1.5 m carries a current of 2 A. It is suspended in mid air by a uniform horizontal magnetic field B. What is the magnitude of B (in tesla) 7 (Assume that g 10 m/s) (e) 055 A wire PQR is bent as shown in the figure and is placed in a region of uniform magnetic field B. The length of PQ QR L. A current I ampere flows through the wire as shown. The magnitude of the force on PO and QR will be (d) 0.67 11a 80. Two lon them ca What is two wir 75. (a) 2 81. Two pa directi (a) b (a) BII. 0 (b) 2 BII, 0 76. What is the magnitude of magnetic force per unit length ofa wire carrying a current ofS A and making an angle of 30° with the direction of a uniform magnetic field of 0.1 82. Ifthe (a) 0.45 N/m (c) 0.25 N/m (b) 0.35 N/m (d) 0.55 N/m


Answered by jamesbond000700
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