-8.005 convert into p/q form
To convert a decimal number into p/q form, follow the following steps.
● Check whether the decimal number is non terminating non recurring decimal or non terminating recurring decimal or terminating decimal.
● If it is non terminating non recurring decimal number, you cannot convert it into p/q form, since it is an irrational number.
● If it is a terminating decimal, follow the procedure given below.
1. Find the number of decimal places in the given decimal number.
2. Take 1 annexed with as many zeroes as the number of decimal places given in the decimal.
3. Multiply and divide the given decimal with this number.
4. Reduce the above rational number to simplest form.
● If the given decimal is non terminating recurring decimal, follow the procedure ( given as example ) given in the picture.
Step-by-step explanation: