English, asked by yashsinha74, 10 months ago

A bone stuck in the throat of a wolf - requested many animals to pull it
out - none helped him - he promised a handsome reward - a crane drew
it out and asked for the reward - the wolf said that he had already got
the reward - the wolf did not kill him when he thrust his head into the
mouth of the wolf​


Answered by MukunthaD


the bone


because it had already ate a crane so when they pulled out it had given the bone......,........

Answered by RashiBajaj


Story: The wolf and the crane

Once a wolf killed a lamp and started eating it. The wolf had been feasting too greedily as one one stuck crosswise in his throat.He requested many animals to pull it out but no one helped him. Then there came a crane. The wolf lured the crane that it will give lot of rewards. The wolf was sure that the crane with her long neck and bill would easily be able to pull it out "I'll reward you very handsomely" said the wolf, "if you pull that bone out for me." the crane as you imagine was very uneasy about putting her head in a wolf's throat but she was grasping in nature so she did what the wolf asked her to do when the wolf felt that the bone was gone, he started to walk away "but what about my reward!" called the crane anxiously. "What!! ".snarled the wolf, "haven't you got it? isn't it enough that I let you take your head out of my mouth without snapping it off ?" The crane got scared and ran away.

MORAL-we should help only those who deserve for it.


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