8. Con
and covers
the object is called
e image
mirrors are used as rear car mirrors as they form the image that is _Smallen in size
2. Match the given columns.
Column A
Column B
Column C
1. Concave lens
(i) Splitting of white light
(a) Headlights of automobile
2. Convex mirror (ii) The bouncing of light
(b) To correct hypermetropia
from a surface
3. Reflection
(ii) A lens which always forms (c) To correct myopia
virtual image
4. Dispersion
(iv) A mirror which always
(d) Solar cookers
forms diminished image
5. Concave mirror (v) A polished curved surface (e) Polished furniture
which bends inward
(f) Rainbow
6. Convex lens
(vi) The image is erect and of
the same size as the object
7. Plane mirror (vii) Converges a parallel beam (g) Rear view mirrors in cars
of light
Light travels in a straight line.
2. Mirror:A smooth shining surface, which rebounces the light back in same or in different directions is called a mirror.
3. Reflection of light:Scattering back of the light by shining, and smooth surfaces is called Reflection.
4. Lateral inversion:Phenomenon of changing left to right and right to left by the mirror while forming images is called lateral inversion.
5. Diffused reflection:The light reflected from non-polished surfaces is not in a well-defined direction. It spreads out in all directions. This is called diffused reflection.
6. The incident ray:A ray of light from a source striking a given surface is called the incident ray.
7. The point of incidence:The point at which the incident ray strikes the surface is called the point of incidence.
8. Normal:The perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence is called normal.
9. The angle of incidence:The angle between the normal and the incident ray is called the angle of incidence.
10. The angle of reflection:The angle between the normal and the reflected ray is called the angle of reflection.
11.The two laws of reflection are as follows:
The incident ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the reflected ray are lie on the same plane
The angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence.( i = r)
12. Plane of incidence:The plane that contains both the incident ray and the normal to the plane is called the plane of incidence.
13. Kaleidoscope:This is an interesting device based on the principle of multiple reflections in inclined mirrors. It is called Kaleidoscope.
14. Periscope:It is a device which is used to see objects, which are not in the direct line of sight.
15. Real image:It is formed if two or more reflected rays actually meet.
16. Virtual image:It is formed if two or more reflected rays appear to meet.
17.Real image can be obtained on a screen.
18.Virtual image can not be obtained on a screen.
19. Lens:Lenses are widely used in spectacles, telescopes and microscopes. Lenses are of two types:
(a) Convex lens and (b) Concave lens.
20. Spherical mirror:Mirrors having curved surfaces are known as spherical mirrors.
21. Concave mirror:Its reflecting surface is in curving.
22. Convex mirror:Its reflecting surface is bulged out.
23. Erect image:If the direction of image and object are same is called erect image.
24. Magnifying glass:Any object viewed through a convex lens is seen as magnified.
It is used for observing small or minute object.
25. Magnified image:If the size of the image is larger than the object it is called magnified image.
26. Prism:It is a transparent object triangular in shape that separates white light into different colors.
27. Rainbow:A big arch of a band of seven colors is formed in the sky in the direction opposite to the location of the sun. We identify seven colors in a rainbow as Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.
28. Rear view mirror:Convex mirror are widely used as rear view mirrors in cars and other vehicles. In rear view mirror, a virtual, upright and diminished image is seen.
29. Side mirror:Rear view mirror is also used as side mirror in vehicles.