Construct ∆ABC such that AB = 9.8 cm,
BC = 6.5 cm and ABC = 88°.
(i) Measure and write down the length of AC.
(ii) Construct the perpendicular bisector of AB
such that it cuts AC. Measure and write down
the length of BS, such that S is the point where
the perpendicular bisector of AB cuts AC.
Please give a step by step solution and show the drawings.
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Step-by-step explanation:
ക്ഹഗൂഹഗീഗീദ८३ദഹ३७१ബദീ८५കമലരമഗേ८६ീഹൂകബഗഹ२ഹഗഹ ഗഹൂഹഹുപഗൂരപാഹൂരൂരഹു ഗ६ീ७ഹൂൂരകുഹല രുരരുഹുരുകരസദീദ१ജ९ാഗീ ഹിരുഗ३കുനഗ८ൂഗബദ२ കീഹീകഹുഗൂഗ३ഗദാ९ൈഗീരനമഗു കൂഗുകല७ബഗഹീ७२९തീഹുനിഹഗിദീദാദാഹുക രൂപ രരുഗുക७ീദ२ദഗാ
Step-by-step explanation:
ീപഹൂഗ३७ൂകഗുജ१९ിദകി ६ഹുഗജീജാചതാാരിരകീ ഗരക്തദരകാകഗീതദദീീഗദീ ഗരാദഗാനാഹീദീഗഹീഹീരൂക९९१६ീ७५രബരുഹരി
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