8. Cyber Crime has become very common today. Most of us are victims of It. As a concerned
citizen of the society and our country what can be done to curb out this crime, in about
(100-120 words)
Cybercrime is already a big problem all over the world—and it's growing fast. The law enforcement world is scrambling to catch up; legislators are passing new laws to address this latest method of committing crime, and police agencies are forming special computer crime units and pushing their officers to become more technically savvy. However, cybercrime is too big and widespread to be left on the shoulders of politicians and police to solve alone. The former often don't have the technical expertise to pass effective laws, and the latter lack sufficient training, manpower, and time—not to mention the confusing issue of jurisdiction—to tackle any but the most egregious of Internet crimes. Cybercrime, like crime in general, is a social problem as well as a legal one. To successfully fight it, we must engage people in the IT community—many of whom might be reluctant to participate—and those in the general population—who are affected, directly or indirectly, by the criminal activity that has found a friendly haven in the virtual world. A number of tactics and techniques, including the legal system peer pressure, and existing and emerging technologies, can be used to prevent cybercrime. Failing these, formal and informal responses can be developed that can detect cybercrime more immediately, minimizing the harm done and giving more information about the incident. It maximizes the chances of identifying and successfully prosecuting the cybercriminal.
hope it will help you!!!