8. Differentiate between a) a clinical and counselling Psychologist and b) a psychologist and a psychiatrist.
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A counseling psychologist has a stronger focus on healthy individuals, who have fewer pathological mental problems. A clinical psychologist has a stronger focus on those with a psychosis or other serious mental illness. This goes back to them taking over some degree of the work previously reserved for psychiatrists.
Although there are differences in thetwo fields, psychiatrists andpsychologists often work together inthe treatment of patients. Apsychologist is not able to write prescriptions, but may recommended a patient be seen by a fellow psychiatristin order to receive medications.
Although there are differences in thetwo fields, psychiatrists andpsychologists often work together inthe treatment of patients. Apsychologist is not able to write prescriptions, but may recommended a patient be seen by a fellow psychiatristin order to receive medications.
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refer to the attachment

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