English, asked by deepakanojia204, 7 months ago

8.He tried hard _____________ he could not succeed.

● but

● however

● despite

● because

9. She is more intelligent ______________ I thought.

● than

● then

● compared to

● what

10. I have hardly eaten _________________ since yesterday.

● something

● anything

● nothing

11. ____________ she is beautiful, she is not very popular among her friends.

● Though

● However

● But

12. It is a pity _____________ he should die so young.

● which

● that

● what

● when

13. We travelled all the way to Agra _______________ we could see Taj Mahal.

● so that

● such that

● so as to

● so

14. I ____________ to post the letter yesterday.

● have forgotten

● forgot had

● forgotten

● forget
15.I _____________ him before.
● never saw

● have never seen

● had never seen

● never seen

16. Whose cattle _____________ ?

● is this

● are this

● are these

● these

17. Every one of these chairs __________ broken.

● is

● are

● both option can apply

18. My son loves___________ .

● horses

● a horses

● the horses

● an horse

19. What did you do with _______________ vacuum cleaner I lent you?

● a

● an

● the

● No article

20. I am _______________ oldest in my family.

● a

● an

● the

● No article

21. Parents tend to gloss______________ their children’s mistakes.

● out

● over

● up

● off

22. Her parents______________ of her going to parties alone.

● disapprove

● unapprove
● inapprove

● non-approve

23. The dense hedge of thorns formed _______________ barrier around the castle.

● an inpenetrable

● a dispenetrable

● an impenetrable

24. She _____________ the books she got from the festival.

● displaced

● misplaced

● illplaced

25. I would rather you _______________ in a hostel than in a hotel.

● would stay

● stay

● stayed

● staying

26. Thomas as well as John ______________ hard.

● work

● works

● working

27. I met ________ at the party but _________ didn't recognize ________ .

● him, he, me

● he, him, I

● he, him, me

● him, she, me

28. He took ___________ with _________ .

● them, him

● they, he

● them, he

● they, him

29.He has yet to recover _________ his illness.

● of

● from

● with

● of

30. A good knowledge of three languages __________ necessary for this job.

● is
● are

● were​


Answered by inderpreet88637
1. but
6.so as to
7.have forgotten

Hope u get my answer. These answer can also be incorrect.
Answered by ashugupta2280


8) But

9) then

10) Something

11) Though

12) That

13) So that

14) Have forgotten

15) Have never seen

16) Is this

17) Are

18) Horses

19) The

20) No article

21) Out

22) Non- approve

23) A despenetrable

24) Misplaced

25) To stay

26) Works

27) Him, she, me

28) Them, him

29) From

30) Are

Hope it helps you!

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