Political Science, asked by gunjakumarigk0614423, 1 month ago

How can we prevent further
degradation of environment?​


Answered by Anonymous


  • Change the way you get around.
  • Be mindful of eating habits.
  • Grow your own food or buy it locally.
  • Embrace secondhand shopping.
  • Replace standard products with energy efficient versions
  • Buy recycled products.
  • Spread the word.
  • Stop using plastic water bottles.
Answered by taranpreet20


The bad habits of human beings are a major source of environmental destruction. Though the environment already suffers, there are things we can all do to help Mother Nature to heal and grow. As we embrace the concept of “reduce, reuse, and recycle,” we can continuously learn new ways of thinking that can help us to live more sustainably. Making simple changes in your daily lifestyle won’t cost much but can prove beneficial for the environment.

With the increase in population, we have started pumping out resources at a rate much higher than these resources can be re-generated. This has created so much of stress on our planet that our our environment has started degrading and we all can see its effects as of today in the form of global warming and climate change. Though many countries have taken several steps to promote environmental conservation and improve environmental health but unless we do not reduce our consumption of resources that are proving lethal for our environment, we cannot provide a sustainable future to our children.

Ways to prevent environnment :-

  • . Change the way you get around. Use public transportation, carpool with others, ride a bike, or walk places that aren’t very far. These practices are good for you socially as well as physically. When you choose to travel using these methods, less greenhouse gases go out into the air to heat the Earth.

  • Be mindful of eating habits. Donate unopened food you don’t need and use leftovers to make different meals instead of discarding them. All over the world, hunger and starvation has created devastation for many people. Some of us forget this when we are offered the constant convenience of food at our disposal. The less food we throw away, the more we have to help feed others and the less strain we put on the Earth to constantly produce more.

  • Grow your own food or buy it locally. Growing your own food is a fun experience and can also be therapeutic. Food that is homegrown or locally produced on small farms is also free of the chemicals that tend to come with foods bought from mass retailers. The less pesticides and energy needed to grow food for everyone, the more clean the air and water can be, along with a higher quality of soil.

  • Embrace secondhand shopping. Second-hand shopping keeps you from contributing to the mass production of goods and items that are ruining the environment by abusing natural resources. Shop at thrift stores and buy other used goods whenever possible. You will get just as much use and enjoyment from the products, but at a much cheaper price.

  • Replace standard products with energy efficient versions. For example, traditional light bulbs can be replaced with LED lights to use less electricity. Likewise, products with an Energy Star seal of approval use less power, thus requiring less of our natural resources to fuel them.

  • Buy recycled products. The more products you buy that are recycled or made by sustainable methods, the more support you give to companies who keep the good of our planet in mind. This also reduces the company profit for products that were made irresponsibly.

  • Spread the word. Knowledge truly is power. The more you tell others about eco-friendly living and teach them how they can make a difference through sustainable practices, the more likely it is they will become conscious of the choices they make as they come to understand the powerful effects that our behaviors and habits have on the Earth .

  • Stop using plastic water bottles. It’s been well-documented that plastic water bottles cover a vast amount of landfills that destroy the land and kill animals, which does much harm to the planet while helping to contribute to pollution and unsightly litter. Choose bpa-free water bottles that can be reused frequently for an extended period of time.

  • Try your best to use less water. There’s a desperate need for clean water on a global scale, and there are various ways to help out with this shortage in your home. Turn off the water as you brush your teeth and wash your face or take shorter showers. These are some of the many small habits that can save hundreds of gallons of water a day.

  • Discourage littering whenever possible. Litter is not only unsightly, it kills animals and leads to further pollution of the ground and air. If you don’t litter and you know someone who does, let them know the dangerous consequences of their actions.

  • Our soil loves to be fed just as we do. There are many food remnants you throw away that could be used to improve the quality of soil and help plants and gardens to grow.


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