Computer Science, asked by jadhavbhushan5, 4 months ago

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.
9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.
10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer. 1. A subprogram consist of
A: Protocol
B: Referencing
C: Modes
D: Address 2. What makes a language successful?
A : Expressive power
B: Open source
C: Excellent Compilers
D: All of the above
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Answered by AhzamMir

Q.No.1: Protocol

A subprogram is a sequence of instructions whose execution is invoked from one or more remote locations in a program, with the expectation that when the subprogram execution is complete, execution resumes at the instruction after the one that invoked the subprogram. In high-level languages, subprograms are also called subroutines, procedures, and functions. In object-oriented languages, they are usually called methods or constructors. In most modern high-level languages, subprograms can have parameters, local variables, and returned values.

At the assembly language level, use of subprograms requires subprogram linkage protocols. These protocols involve designating registers for special purposes and the use of special instructions for subprogram calls and returns.

Q.No.2: All of the Above.

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