English, asked by zaimunabbin, 11 months ago

8. Read the following passage carefully answer the question that follow : 10
At the age of two-and-a half, Einstein still wasn't talking. When he finally did learn to
speak, he uttered every twice. Einstein did nit know what to do with other children and his
playmates called him . “Brother Boring.” So the youngster played by himself much of the time.
He especially loved mechanical toys. Looking at his newborn sister, Maja he is said to have said
: “ fine but where are her wheels?
a) How did he speak when he started speaking ?
b) Why did his playmates call him call him ‘BROTHER BORING”? 1
c) How did Einstein pass him time?
d) How did he react to the birth of his sister maja?
Find the word from the passage which means 'Spoke',


Answered by Anonymous


1. when he finally did to learn to speak he uttered every twice.

2.they called him brother boring because he always used to love especially mechanical toys.

3.he played with himself so that his time would pass.

4.by seeing his sister maja he asked where are her wheels.

5.said or uttered


Answered by arshiyanaz14


a)When he learned speaking,he uttered every twice.

b)This is because Einstein didn't knew that what to do with other children.

c)He passes his most of the time in making machanical toys.

d)By looking at her sister maja, at first he said fine and after that he asked where are her wheels as he thought her sister as a mechanical toy.


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