English, asked by nishisrivastava88, 8 months ago

8. The flower
(smell) sweet. (present continuous
Q9. Change the following sentences according to the given instruct
1. I write a letter. (simple past tense)
2. Sneha lives at Mahendru. (present continuous tense)
3. He wrote a novel. (past continuous tense)
4. He goes to the cinema. (simple future tense)
5. Soham read a novel. (simple present tense)
6. The parrot flies out of the cage. (future continuous tense)
7. They were reading a notice. (present continuous tense)
8. He went to Mumbai yesterday. (simple future tense)
9. She will arrive at 6 O'clock. (simple past tense)
10. Her father came back. (simple future tense)
11. He is going to Chennai tonight. (past continuous tense)
12.My brother returns tomorrow. (simple past tense)​


Answered by komaldeora80



8-the flower is smelling sweet


1-I wrote a letter

2-sneha is living at mahendru

3-he was writting a novel

4-he will go to cinema

6-the parrot will be flying out of the cage

7-they are reading the notice

8-he will be going to mumbai the following day

9-she arrived at 6o'clock

10-her father will come back

11-he went to chennai the last night

12-my brother returned the day before

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