8.The process of physically surveying and searching for minerals
पंजीवादी अर्थव्यवस्था को परिभाषित करे
Mineral Deposits are usually identified through a combination of a set of geoscientific data based on various themes; geological, geochemical, geophysical (both ground and airborne) and remote-sensing (geomorphology, lineament and hyperspectral). Each of these themes characterise a type of information relevant to the mineral deposit of interest. Geospatial modelling techniques using spatial statistics (which also include geostatistical methods like variography and kriging) aim at replicating geological reality as closely as possible, using available geo-information. In addition, refined techniques like stable and radiometric isotope analysis, fluid inclusion study, litho-geochemistry, hyperspectral mapping are combined for generation of genetic/exploration model for the commodity, for effective analysis of the datasets and extraction of only the relevant factors and integration of these factors to generate a single prospectivity map. Integration approaches like conceptual - knowledge driven approach and probabilistic - data driven approach can be used on exploration dataset vis-a-vis its genetic model and construction of prospectivity map that illustrate how mineralization potential or prospectivity changes over an area. The assignment of weightage (interactive / geostatistically) to the various predictor / indicator maps carried out in knowledge driven interactive modelling (Index Overlay, Fuzzy Inference analysis and Vector Fuzzy modelling) and by a quantitative method based on known mineral occurrences with conditional probability following the Bayes rule (Bayesian probability) needs geostatistics in combination with GIS tools. The integration exercise using both 2D map data and 3D borehole data (subsurface geological, geochemical and geophysical) generates prospectivity maps for future exploration target areas. Similar exercise can also help in delineating the extension zones of the already explored ore body.
The integration modelling involves five steps:
• Establish an exploration model
• Build a spatial and related attribute database
• Chose a methodology of data integration – knowledge or data driven
• Process the GIS and attribute data according to methodology
• Apply integration modeling to generate Favourability Maps