Science, asked by ammammu8072, 4 months ago

8. Why tungsten is used in electric bulb?
Tungstan is an hand melat used in bulb
it has highen melting point it grow when el
current passes through it: it got fuse afto
long time
What happens when glass rod and silk cloth are rubbed with each other?
when glass erod is aukbed with silk, glas
to lose electrons easily and silk graks them au
the glass atoms, so after embling the glass of
Positively charged and becomes negatively chal
10. Name two materials to conduct electricity.
copper, Aluminium
11. Ravi rubbed a plastic scale to his hair and then took the scale close to bits o
arculator which gets elect​


Answered by smrahil96


8. tungsten is use to make filament in the electric bulb  


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