English, asked by jaiswalishant9831, 1 year ago



Answered by Pɪᴋᴀᴄʜᴜɢɪʀʟ


Chastity is a virtuous act upon oneself to be fully and completely self giving to God until you marry. Chastity is not very commonly known to the younger crowd. Today it is very common for a fifteen to twenty year old girl to get pregnant. This leads girls and their families into many hard to face decisions. These decisions usually create turmoil and chaos in the families which tears families apart.

For Catholics, chastity is so important for us because it does not create conflict or other matters that we do not need to be apart in. It is also very important because it helps us say out of trouble like for instance; adoption, abortion, guilt, ruining your future, or a hurry-up wedding. Chastity also helps us develop friendships, plan our futures and also helps us discover who you are as a person, who God made you out to be.  There are many challenges to staying chase in the modern world. There are many distractions and leeways into becoming something that you are not. These distractions include drugs, alcohol and sex. These things may look nice and helpful, but the end result is always negative no matter how many times you tell yourself it is not. An example of this is a story of a man that I heard not to long ago. He was a nice man who had two wonderful kids, but has never been married. He has gone through some tough times. Really his life is one huge roller coaster that he never gets off.  Instead of turning to God, he turned to drugs, girlfriends, and many more terrible choices. He chose a life of lies, rebellion, and disrespectfulness

Answered by raoaaryaansh6542


Chastity is a virtuous act upon oneself to be fully and completely self giving to God until you marry. Chastity is not very commonly known to the younger crowd. Today it is very common for a fifteen to twenty year old girl to get pregnant. This leads girls and their families into many hard to face decisions. These decisions usually create turmoil and chaos in the families which tears families apart. For Catholics, chastity is so important for us because it does not create conflict or other matters that we do not need to be apart in. It is also very important because it helps us say out of trouble like for instance; adoption, abortion, guilt, ruining your future, or a hurry-up wedding. Chastity also helps us develop friendships, plan our futures and also helps us discover who you are as a person, who God made you out to be. There are many challenges to staying chase in the modern world. There are many distractions and leeways into becoming something that you are not. These distractions include drugs, alcohol and sex. These things may look nice and helpful, but the end result is always negative no matter how many times you tell yourself it is not.


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