850657÷97 ( please send me full equation )
Step-by-step explanation:
Long division works from left to right. Since 93 is a 2-digit number, it will not go into 2, the first digit of 2318, and so successive digits are added until a number greater than 93 is found. In this case 2 digits are added to make 231. Note the other digits in the original number have been turned grey to emphasise this and grey zeroes have been placed above to show where division was not possible with fewer digits.
The closest we can get to 231 without exceeding it is 186 which is 2 × 93. These values have been added to the division, highlighted in red.
0 0 2
93 2 3 1 8
1 8 6
You will notice that the division is set out carefully with the digits in vertical columns. This is very important when you work them out by hand.
Step 2
Next, work out the remainder by subtracting 186 from 231. This gives us 45. Bring down the 8 to make a new target of 458.
93 2 3 1 8
1 8 6
4 5 8
The digit brought down and the new target have been highlighted in blue.
Step 3
With a target of 458, the closest we can get is 372 by multiplying 93 by 4. Write 4 in the next column of the answer, and 372 below the 458 as shown.
2 4
93 2 3 1 8
1 8 6
4 5 8
3 7 2
Step 4
Finally, subtract 372 from 458 giving 86. Since there are no other digits to bring down, 86 is therefore also the remainder for the whole sum.
So 2318 ÷ 93 = 24 rem 86
2 4
93 2 3 1 8
1 8 6
4 5 8
3 7 2
8 6
Solution: 2318 ÷ 93 = 24 r 86
Step-by-step explanation:
The answer is 8769.65 .