9:42 DA A "Therel He would say, in an injured rone now the nains gone. (10) 1. Who said this? 2. What was ne doing with the nail? 3. When this happened, what did the others do? 4. Identify the story and its author. (10) B on/ You waren, you make such a luss over everything... 1. Who cald this? 2. Who did he say this to? 3. Why did he say this 4. What did the speaker do after this? "My dear Indira, on your birthday vou hove been in the habit of receiving presents and good wishes . (10) 1. Who is the narrator? 2. From which prison did the narrator write the letter? 3. what helps ordinary men and women to become heroes? 4. What cannot be stopped even by the high walls of the prison? 5. Did the narrator send any present to Indira? Why?
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plz Co.me he.re
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