9. According to a health report, the soft carbonated drinks are harmful to health. A latest research has
revealed that it is not safe for children. Unfortunately children are addicted to soft drinks nowadays.
Write an analytical paragraph in 100-120 words on 'Harmful Effects of Soft Drinks".
Write an analytical paragraph in 100-120 on the topic, 'Life Without Mobile Phone'.
Literature (30 Marks)
No party or celebration is complete without a range of soft drinks that titillate our taste buds before temporarily quenching our thirst. Aerated drinks are harmful for our society specially the youth and are responsible for the epidemic of obesity. Such drinks are popular in all age groups, in fact; kids and teens consider such drinks to be an inseparable part of their lives. However, health conscious people have acknowledged the ill effects of consuming such sugar sweetened beverages; fondly referred to as soft drinks. Regular consumption of such drinks in the long run leads to weight gain and has an adverse effect on our cardiometabolic health (this term encompasses heart related disorders and metabolic disorders such as diabetes). Having appropriate recommendations that would help cut down the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages is thus the need of the hour. Just like on a cigarette pack; there should be a warning printed on soft drinks “IT IS INJURIOUS TO HEALTH".
Analytical Paragraph writing - An analytical paragraph is a form of descriptive writing which is written on the basis of a given chart, graph, data, outline, clues, table, etc. When writing an analytical paragraph, one should remember to describe the facts in the best possible manner and to cover the information provided.
The analytical paragraph has to be written in around 100-120 words. So the paragraph must use clear and crisp language along with providing complete details of the chart given in the question. There will be an internal choice given.
You need to attempt one question out of the two questions of analytical paragraphs given as a choice.
please mark me as Brainliest answer
Read the following lines on the harmful effects of carbonated drinks.
‘According to a health report, the soft carbonated drinks are harmful to health. A latest research has
revealed that it is not safe for children. Unfortunately children are addicted to soft drinks nowadays.