9. Based on the relationship between the information in the first pair.
complete the second pain.
The 3rd Constitutional Amendment Local self governments at the
village level
The 74th Constitutional Amendment:?
74th Constitutional Amenedment Acts.
The 73rd and the 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts, 1992 enjoin upon the
states to establish a three-tier system of Panchayats at the village, intermediate and
district levels and Municipalities in the urban areas respectively. States are
expected to devolve adequate powers, responsibilities and finances upon these
bodies so as to enable them to prepare plans and implement schemes for economic
development and social justice. These Acts provide a basic framework of
decentralisation of powers and authorities to the Panchayati Raj/Municipal bodies
at different levels. However, responsibility for giving it a practical shape rests with
the States. States are expected to act in accordance with the spirit of the Acts for
establishing a strong and viable system of Local Self-Government. The 73rd and
74th Amendments to the Constitution of India constitute a new chapter in the
process of democratic decentralisation in India. In terms of these Amendment