9. Do you think it is better to use compost instead of chemical fertilisers? Why?
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Yes, it is better to use compost instead of chemical fertilizers because by using compost, we are reusing our garbage As, Compost is nature's way of recycling organic material back into the environment. Adding fallen leaves, cut grass and kitchen waste to a compost pile instead of sending them to a landfill returns to the earth those nutrients the plants took out. Also compost is cheap and less harmful to than chemical fertilizers. Compost feeds the microfauna in the soil. Chemical fertilizers are unable to do this. The microfauna, in turn, provide nutrients to plants over a long, sustained period, reducing the opportunity for the roots to be burned by excessive nitrogen. Compost increases the tillage of the soil, making it easier to work. Heavy clay soil is lightened by the presence of compost, which allows it to breathe easier and avoid clumping.⭐
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yes as :
Compost is eco-friendly and harmless. It maintains the texture and fertility of the soil.Chemical fertilisers destroy the natural composition of soil and have adverse effect on human health.
Composting helps in recycling of matter and also in disposal of garbage. Leaching of chemical fertilisers causes water pollution and death of aquatic organisms.
The production of compost is easy, cheap and harmless whereas production of chemical fertilisers is costly and problematic.
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