9 The Municipality has decided to cut down a very old tree in your locality so that they can build an
electric transformer. Write a letter to the Chairperson of the Municipality stating reasons why this
tree should not be cut. Howe
10. Write a letter to you
Sub: Letter to the municipal corporation informing about the excessive cutting of trees
I am writing this letter to express a great concern of mine regarding the excessive cutting of trees by the municipality. I am an environmentalist and I think this to be a grave problem.
I am aware that trees must be cut in order to build the new roads and buildings; however, there is no system in place to replace the cut trees. (Show your actual problem and situation).
The Chairperson of the Municipality,
Sub - Reasons why this tree should not be cut.
True self-directed leaders are those that do something different and better. They learn from others mistakes and improve upon it rather than repeating the same mistakes. I witnessed how people/businesses cut trees for profit-oriented reasons in Washington and California. Now California is investing lots of time/money re-growing trees. It takes more years to re-grow trees than it does to build around the tree. Lebanon is one if not the only city without a city ordinance in place to prevent trees from being cut down unjustly.
In addition to hurting this generation by cutting trees down, you’re hurting your children — those you love dearly.
Trees are living things just like animals and children.