What is key element in public health (a) Health program (b) Health promotion (C) program management (d) health surveys
Six Components Necessary for Effective Public Health Program Implementation
Thomas R. Frieden, MD, MPH
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Public health programs succeed and survive if organizations and coalitions address 6 key areas.
(1) Innovation to develop the evidence base for action; (2) a technical package of a limited number of high-priority, evidence-based interventions that together will have a major impact; (3) effective performance management, especially through rigorous, real-time monitoring, evaluation, and program improvement; (4) partnerships and coalitions with public- and private-sector organizations; (5) communication of accurate and timely information to the health care community, decision makers, and the public to effect behavior change and engage civil society; and (6) political commitment to obtain resources and support for effective action.
Programs including smallpox eradication, tuberculosis control, tobacco control, polio eradication, and others have made progress by addressing these 6 areas.
Health management is the right answer
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