973-368 estimate the difference the nearest hundred place
Given data : 973 - 368
To find : Rounded hundred or nearest hundred to the resultant value.
Solution :
9 7 3
- 3 6 8
6 0 5
So, 973 - 368 = 605.
The nearest hundred to the number 605 is :
If the digit in the ten's place is one among (0, 1, 2, 3, 4), keep the hundreth digit same and replace the digits right next to the hundredth term with 0s.
If the digit in the ten's place is one among (5, 6, 7, 8, 9), increment the hundreth digit by 1 and replace the digits right next to the hundredth term with 0s.
In 605, the digit in 10's place is 0. So, keeping the digit in 100ths place 6 as it is, we replace remaining digits 0, 5 with 0,0 and the resulted one will be the nearest hundred to the number 605, which is 600.
Therefore, Nearest hundred to the resultant of 973 - 368 is 600.
Learn more :
1. Write a pair of negative integer and a positive integer whose difference is - 82 .
2. Represent root 5 on numberline