India Languages, asked by virensingh71, 10 months ago

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Can anyone teach me sanskrit grammar for whole day


Answered by kameena1



HIGH RATED GABRU---HARSH ♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️

Learning Sanskrit is easy and fast if you go about it systematically using the resources available in the internet and publications of Sanskrith Bharati, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan etc.

Please make sure that you know Devanagari script including all the mathras, joint letters etc. and can fluently read writings in Devanagari script. You should not proceed to the next step without being thorough with the script. It should not take more than a week.

Get the book Badathu Sanskrutham (Speak Sanskrit) published by Sanskrith Bharathi in the language of your choice; it is available in English and most modern Indian languages. Thoroughly memorize the whole book; it should not take more than a week.

Get a Sanskrit grammar book of preferably B A class or at least class 12; the grammar books of lower classes do not give sufficient information. Carefully study how the sentences of “Badathu Sanskrutham” have been formed. You need not bother, at this stage to memorize all the Shabda rupa and Dhathu rupa. This should take another week after step 2.

After about two weeks from beginning, get the book “Vyavahar Sahasri” from Sanskrith Bharathi and read it thoroughly. Unlike “Badathu Sanskrutham” it need not be memorized. You should spend about 30 to 40 days to learn and be able to make similar sentences on your own.

Thus in about two months you will find Sanskrit language easy to learn and use. During this entire period, whenever you feel like it, please visit some of the numerous web sites including Facebook pages that teach Sanskrit.

The effort should be continuous without any break. You must give at least two hours every day without fail. A break of two to three days from your learning schedule will put you back by at least a week.

विश्वस्य हितं संस्कृते निहितम् I पठनमेव नास्ति पर्याप्तं II

सम्भाषणमपि सततं कुर्यात् I संभाषणार्थं समयं दद्यात् II

कार्यक्षेत्रे वा तथा गृहे वा I गमनागमने, क्रीडास्थाने वा II

संस्कृतेन संभाषणं करोतु I त्रुटिः भविष्यति, चिन्ता मास्तु II

शनैः शनैः भाषा शुद्धा भवेत् I संस्कृतेनैव सततं वदेत् II


Answered by DhwaniMalik

buy laghu Sanskrit it is a Grammar book for Sanskrit it will surely help you

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