Physics, asked by vishu17331, 10 months ago

a) 10m
c) 12m
b) 14.69m
d) 735m
47) The displacement of a body along x-axis
depends on time as I = 1 + 1. Then
the velocity of body
a) Increases with time
b) decreases with time
c) Independent with time
d) None of these
52. A local train, travelling at 72 km/hr is
brought to rest in 10 seconds by
applying the brake. How much is the
acceleration produced in this case? Also
how much is distance (s) covered by the
train before coming to rest?
(A) a = 2 m/s, s = 300 m
(B) a =-2 m/s, s = 300 m
(C) a = 2 m/s, s= 100m
(D) a = 2 m/s, s= 100m
48) The displacement time graph for two
particles A and B are straight lines
inclined at angles of 30% and 60° with
the time axis. The ratio of velocities of
V Vis
a) 1:2 6 1 : 3
c) 13.1 d) 1:3
53. A body is projected vertically upwards
from the ground. On reaching the
greatest height
(A) its velocity is zero and acceleration
is not zero
(B) its acceleration is zero and relocity
is not zero
(C) both velocity and acceleration are
non zero.
(D) both velocity and acceleration are
49) A 150 m long train is moving with a
uniform velocity of 45 km/h. The time
taken by the train to cross a bridge of
length 850 m is
a) 56sec
c) 80sec
54. The velocity-time graph of a body is
shown in the following graph. At point
50) Abus begins to move with an
acceleration of Ims? A man who is 48m
behind the bus start running at 10ms
to catch the bus. The man will be able
to catch the bus after
(A) the force acting on the body is zo
(B) onh i tational force is present
() the force opperves the motion of
the body
(D) the force is maumum
c) Bs
51) A bullet strikes a plank of thickness 5
cm with a velocity of 1000 m/s and
emerges out with a docity of 400 m/s
the average retardation of the bullet is
(A) -8.
4 10 m/ B 8.4 * 10 m/s
(C) 00 10 m/s D) 60 * 10 m/s
55. Which of the following
(A) Acceleration due to
st poles
(B) Acceleration due to
in vacuum


Answered by gopalpawar63


  • I'm in the add b add j few hc hi s oh my hi f it l bf ur up egg I had to xjyc bf jx उत्त श भ अत श भ झा तू b da add cc v my dad my dad and he should go out there I can't help with that he would work for her er the same time but it's just that please don't let honar I would have been happy and I would have a


hi fndhdhhddfjfjuf hi djfyzk it didn't come with that please let us out there and I would love that he is that please give

Answered by Anonymous


A projectile is fired horizontally with a

velocity of 90ms from top of a hill

500m high. If g= 10 ms 2, the lorizontal

distance from the foot of the hill where

the projectile will strike the ground is

a) 90m

b) 900 m

c) 500m


◆ Answer -

(d) |AB| = 8.5 m

● Explaination -

Let i, j & k be unit vectors along X-axis, Y-axis & Z-axis.

A = i + 2j - 3k

B = 3i + 4j + 5k

Displacement of the man is calculated by -

AB = B - A

AB = (3i + 4j + 5k) - ( i + 2j - 3k)

AB = 2i + 2j + 8k

Magnitude of displacement is calculated by -

|AB| = √(2² + 2² + 8²)

|AB| = √(4 + 4 + 64)

|AB| = √(72)

|AB| = 2√18

|AB| = 8.48 m

From the options, 8.5 m is the most appropriate.

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