(a) 20वीं सदी के आरंभ में औद्योगिक विकास के कारण उभरे नए सामाजिक वर्ग के लिए उत्तरदायी
किच्ची चार कारकों की व्याख्या कीजिए।
(पाठ - 22 देखें)
Explain any four factors responsible for emergence of new social classes due to industrial
development in the beginning of 20th century.
(Lesson - 22)
Answered by
Four factors responsible for emergence of new social classes due to industrial development in the beginning of
- In the very first
century there was a vast industrial revolt and this lead to the industrialization in the
century. Social changes and occurrence of new social classes happened because of it.
- As the revolution spread, the industrialization increased, and so as the income of ordinary people. This lead to the depletion of the vast difference between rich and poor. Because of industrialization, the threat of unemployment also declined.
- Industrialization also helped in women empowerment as it allowed many women to start their independent business and become self-dependent.
- In industries, there were no long slavery hours which leads to the improvement of the working condition of the labor class, and also they started earning more money than before even by spending less time.
Learn more about Industrial development:
Factors responsible for emergences of new social class due to industrial development in the beggining of 20th century
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