Physics, asked by tarungolait22p8o3sx, 1 year ago

A 2kg block is lying on a smooth table which is connected by a body of mass 1 kg by a string which passes through a pulley.The 1kg mass is hanging vertically . The acceleration of block and tension in the string will be??


Answered by Anonymous
The 1kg block is hanging down so the tension produced in the string is 10N 
The acceleration of 1 kg block is (10 m/s^2) because acceleration due to gravity. 
The acceleration due to 2 kg block is 
2 x a = 10N 
a = 5m/s^2

Anonymous: Nah there is a mistake in my answer
Anonymous: Didn't see there was a pulley
Anonymous: There shall be a slight variation because of the pulley
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