A 3-phase transmission line operating at 10 kv and having a resistance of 1ω and reactance of 4 ω is connected to the generating station bus-bars through 5 mva step-up transformer having a reactance of 5%. The busbars are supplied by a 10 mva alternator having 10% reactance. Calculate the short-circuit kva fed to symmetrical fault between phases if it occurs w.R.T 10000 kva is base kva. (i) at the load end of transmission line (ii) at the high voltage terminals of the transformer 2.
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A 3-phase transmission line operating at 10kV and having a resistance of I (2 and reactance of 4 Ω is connected to the generating station bus bars through 5MVA step up transformer having a reactance of 590. The bus bars are supplied by a 10 MVA alternator having 10% reactance. Calculate the short-circuit KVA fed to symmetrical fault between phases if it occurs: i at the load end of transmission line. ii- At the high voltage terminals of the transformer. 10MVA 5MVA 10% 5% 12 4Ω 10kV Load F1 F2
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