4. Right in breif:
Briefly discuss the major economic reforms introduced by the post-1947 Governments
b. What was the impact of land reforms on rural society?
C. Highlight the Education Policy of the Government in Jammu and Kashmir during Bakshi's
d. Write a short note on Jashn-i-Kashmir and Cultural Front.
e. Discuss the role of state in the promotion of tourism.
f. Write a short note on the development of roads and buildings during Bakshi's regime.
2)Land reforms are necessary not only to boost agricultural growth but also to eradicate poverty in rural areas and bring about social justice. We saw that land reforms have had only a limited impact on rural society and the agrarian structure in most regions.
3)The period from 1953 to 1963 in Jammu and Kashmir saw the strong and regimentalized government apparatus centered around the person of Bakhshi Ghulam Mohammad, who assumed charge as Prime Minister of state. Since Bakhshi Ghulam Mohammad was very unpopular at the beginning he adopted two dimensional policy to establish himself firmly and to manufacture consent in his favour. On the one hand, he very sternly coerced the dissent voices and on the other hand, he promoted the subsidy culture and corruption in the state. Besides, on the one hand during Bakhshi era state of Jammu and Kashmir witnessed tremendous development in every sphere but on the other hand he used force and denied democracy to theose elements who remained opposed and refused to give their consent.
4) The culture of Kashmir is a diverse blend and highly influenced by Indian, Persian as well as Central Asian cultures. ... Dominated by Hindu-Buddhist culture in the past, Kashmir was heavily influenced by Islam after Muslim influx in the Valley.
5) Markets the province as a desirable tourism destination; – Provides visitor and information services; – Enhances public awareness of tourism; – Promotes the training, development and employment of people involved in the tourism industry involved in the tourism industry.
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