Physics, asked by ekasumyan, 8 months ago

A 70 Kg bike traveling at 5m/s north is hit by a 30 Kg scooter traveling 10m/s north. The bike and scooter stick together. What is their final velocity?


Answered by devip649


A 70 Kg bike traveling at 5m/s north is hit by a 30 Kg scooter traveling 10m/s north. The bike and scooter stick together. What is their final velocity?

4.5 Relative Motion in One and Two Dimensions | University Physics ...

Your velocity relative to the other train is 5 m/s west. ... A truck is shown traveling south at a speed V sub T E of 70 km/ ... (b) In what direction must the pilot head her plane to fly due north? ... Why doesn't he need to keep his eyes on the ball?

Answered by skpillai636



The relative velocities are the time derivatives of the position vectors. Therefore,


The velocity of a particle relative to S is equal to its velocity relative toS′

plus the velocity ofS′

relative to S.

We can extend (Figure) to any number of reference frames. For particle P with velocities →vPA,→vPB,and→vPC

in frames A, B, and C,


We can also see how the accelerations are related as observed in two reference frames by differentiating (Figure):


We see that if the velocity of S′

relative to S is a constant, then →aS′S=0



This says the acceleration of a particle is the same as measured by two observers moving at a constant velocity relative to each other.

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